Today’s Home Made Is So On Trend

Getting the knitting and crochet habit is gathering pace amongst some of my usually less enterprising pals and colleages.  I have personally always been a knitting enthjusiast, and have sported many a home made delight.  Sometimes my colleagues have not believed me when upon asking graciously, where did I get this jumper or that cardi, I’ve happily told them I made it.  They seemed utterly bewildered at the prosoect.  Now however, with the upsurge in frantastic programmes on the lifestyle and craft channels on tv, they can see exactly what they want to know and how to get started.

Becoming pals with the kind ladies who run craft shops, with all the yarn, textiles, fabric, accessories and machinery does help bring the hobby into more use.  Their expertise and friendly advice helps to encourage a nervous beginner.  Once established, the hobby can be fed from online sites with all that choice.